Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Till min älskade "Syster" Teresia.

For any time I ever made you unhappy

If I ever make you unhappy

I want you to know

that I never really mean to,

but sometimes I say or do

things without thinking,

and I later regret them.

If I ever make you feel unwanted,

please don´t take it personally.

There are just times when

I need to be alone

to think...to dream...

to make decisions

That only I can make.

I don´t mean to shut you out...

If I ever make you feel uneasy,

please forgive me...

sometimes I say things that

make no sense or make decsions

that are irrational.

It usually happens out of anger

or confusion,

but it passes quickly -

then I´m fine.

If I ever leave you confused

or upset,

please talk to me.

Misunderstandings can leave

people hurt and frightened.

I don´t ever want to endanger

our relationship -

it´s too precious.

You are a very special person,

and I´ll always treasure

having you in my life.



My loss is your loss
My fear is your fear
My love is your love
My life is your life
My hate is your hate

I´ll be there..
When the angels sing, I´ll be there
When the darkness fall
when the light is shown
where the shadows grows

You´ll be with me
holding my hand
so nothing could harm me
in the army of darkness...

Your loss is my loss
Your fear is my fear
Your love is my love
Your life is my life
Your hate is my hate

And when the darkness fall
You´ll be there
And when the light is shown,
you´ll be there

I reach you from behind
I love you from beyond
I care for you in the army of darkness...

Together we´ll be united,
and we will sing with the angels from hell..

Our loss is united
Our fear is united
Our love is united
Our lives are united
Our hate is united

We are United..


Vem är du?

..\-Vem är du, ditt jävla kvalster?!
- Jenny. Inget mer inget mindre.
Men jag är den som dricker upp din mjölk,
som skurar ditt tvättställ i brist på göromål,
den som sover under din säng och vaktar dig,
med råttorna som sällskap.
Jag är den som sniffar på dina underkläder,
virar en handduk runt din mage,
glömmer bort din existens, och den
som terroriserar din farmor med tysk techno.
Jag är ditt samvete, jag är din djävul,
jag är din ängel, jag är något som inte finns.
Din illusion av en annan dimension.
Mitt namn är Förvirring.


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